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When do they cover Sicilian for black?

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When do they cover Sicilian for black? Empty When do they cover Sicilian for black?

Post by Blue Devil Knight May 28th 2009, 1:09 pm

I am thinking of taking up the Sicilian. Does anyone know what month they start with it?
Blue Devil Knight
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When do they cover Sicilian for black? Empty Re: When do they cover Sicilian for black?

Post by chesstiger May 28th 2009, 3:30 pm

Najdorf in month 3 and Anti-sicilian, Alapin in month 4.
Month 8 gives the kalashnikov.
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When do they cover Sicilian for black? Empty Re: When do they cover Sicilian for black?

Post by Chess? May 28th 2009, 11:27 pm

Blue Devil Knight wrote:I am thinking of taking up the Sicilian. Does anyone know what month they start with it?

I concur with tiger. I am in month three and it's all Najdorf. I will be done month 3 Saturday and I have had a great time.

Reviewing the opening module in month three with my mini board and the printed pdf has been a great way of relaxing after a hard day.
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When do they cover Sicilian for black? Empty Re: When do they cover Sicilian for black?

Post by Milarus April 23rd 2010, 3:08 am

It seems the najdorf variation no more doesn't part of the program, is it ?

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When do they cover Sicilian for black? Empty Re: When do they cover Sicilian for black?

Post by Blue Devil Knight April 23rd 2010, 11:52 am

Nope, I don't remember what they use but no more Najdorf, which is probably smart it is too much work to keep up with it.
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Blue Devil Knight

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