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sicilian botvinnik game

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sicilian botvinnik game Empty sicilian botvinnik game

Post by HangingKing November 14th 2012, 9:32 pm

Hi everyone, long time no see.

Well, i have been studying Go lately so i was away from chess a bit. I did make progress from 1600 to 1850 to first year of ICS study, then lost motivation.
I redirected my motivation to Go and from complete beginner i'm now about 10 kyu in about a year, don't know which game is harder on the long term. I was excited at the beginning, but as i progress it becomes harder and frustrating too Smile

So recently i've came back to chess a little from a dropped rating (1500 or so) and rebuilt it quickly to 1700. I was relieved not to have forgotten everything and i now enjoy switching from one game to the other.
Go is much slower (though like in chess, i still play quick compared to other players) so it learned me to slow down a bit in chess, and evaluate position more carefully.

Here is a recent game i played against a much stronger opponent, rated 2100.
By chance he played and opening i know well, and did not take fully advantage of its caracteristics.

The game was quite equal all along, until oh, yes, it's finished!

And yes, i've seen the new design of ICS website, it's cool. I like also the material, i'm definitely more attracted by chessbase and video lessons than pdf, so it's great they have adopted this format.

I just wish, than when they update material, they put a date of release next to it, so i know what i need to update or not...

International Master
International Master

Posts : 371
Join date : 2009-04-21

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