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Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game

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Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game Empty Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game

Post by kingsmasher1 May 5th 2013, 5:38 am

I think computers can't always be relied upon. I analyzed one of my games played in, with one of the strongest engines - Houdini 3 Pro x64, and what it showed the best move in move number 21. dxc5 is simply a disaster Shocked

What if i play Nb6? What a Face
Either you lose a rook in exchange of a knight, or you lose your queen being a piece up. The engine suggests the best move, that please go ahead and give up your queen affraid affraid

I am confused, do you still feel studying games with chess engines are reliable? confused confused

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Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game Empty Re: Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game

Post by BorgQueen May 8th 2013, 9:59 pm

I do.

I trust them more than I trust myself that is for sure.

I do know that sometimes, the numbers change significantly... when it sees move X as, say, 0.25 and you play that move, then the subsequent best moves, the numbers shift to, say, 0.50. Then when you backtrack to move X, the value for that move is now 0.50 and has changed significantly in its position.

Nonetheless, since I have no master to help me analyse my games, I rely on engines to judge my moves.

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Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game Empty Re: Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game

Post by PawnCustodian May 18th 2013, 8:51 am

Like BQ I really don't have an option, and analyzing without engines is wandering in the wilderness.

The one thing about engines is they are really pragmatic about trading off material for positional compensation. Keeping the PME checklist from year one handy as you analyze is a big help with understanding unbalanced positions like presented here. Numbers don't help much, the the PME is a Rosetta Stone for converting the numbers to human speak.

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Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game Empty Re: Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game

Post by BorgQueen May 20th 2013, 2:59 am

I should really repeat the ICS course, I have forgotten much of it already... which is disturbing really considering how much I paid for it.

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Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game Empty Re: Computers cannot always be relied upon, right? Look at this game

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