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Incorporation of new knowledge into chess playing

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Incorporation of new knowledge into chess playing Empty Incorporation of new knowledge into chess playing

Post by lovro May 24th 2012, 6:44 am


I found ICS few day ago and I am very tempted to take the course. I am 32 years old with ELO cca. 1560 (but was not playing for some years now) Everything from my point of view is speaking infavour of taking course. I finished University, get a nice job with a lot of free time, and I would really like to go out of that patzer chess I play atm, etc.

But I have one big obstacle before final decision. I read quite a lot of books (e.g. My system form Nimtzowisch, Kotov, etc.). But I got feeling that I am not able to incorporate new knowledge into my playing. Maybe this feeling is wrong and I studied just enough to be as "strong" as I am. I also have some problems with discipline in thinkig during the games. And this is my main doubt in taking the course. I am afraid that even if I go through the course I will not be able to incorporate the new knowledge into my game. Even if you understand "TO DO" list, that does not help you, if you are not disciplined enough to do it during the game. So, I need some advices from more experienced students of ICS. Take it and try or get used to that I am simply not able to play it better?

Learning the Rules
Learning the Rules

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Incorporation of new knowledge into chess playing Empty Re: Incorporation of new knowledge into chess playing

Post by PawnCustodian May 24th 2012, 8:24 am

The authors have placed some good general advice here:

The main emphasis for years 1&2 are on openings and middlegames, covering endgames only in the context of general considerations and complete game analysis.

I'm about to enter year three where endgame instruction is on the syllabus, with video instruction.

I think the course is unique in that after the first nine months you will have all of the "tools" to do a pretty credible job of analyzing your own games. I have a very comprehensive library I've accumulated over the years, but the ICSs material is the only that brings together everything in a structured study plan.

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Incorporation of new knowledge into chess playing Empty Re: Incorporation of new knowledge into chess playing

Post by lovro May 24th 2012, 8:35 am

Thx a lot for that link. I think my decision will be much easier now.

Learning the Rules
Learning the Rules

Posts : 5
Join date : 2012-05-24

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