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Welcome to Year Two

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Welcome to Year Two Empty Welcome to Year Two

Post by Blue Devil Knight February 12th 2011, 10:31 am

Welcome to year two, a world of nicely annotated, historically important, games. Videos and text each month.

Note the videos you download as a self-extracting file that produces two 'flv' videos (flash videos). To watch them you need some way to watch flv videos (note just having flash is not enough). I believe Realplayer will show them (not sure I don't have realplayer please someone let us know).

I just downloaded this:

It seems to work.
Blue Devil Knight
Blue Devil Knight

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Welcome to Year Two Empty Re: Welcome to Year Two

Post by HangingKing February 12th 2011, 12:42 pm

Yep, and sometime windows media player and media player classic with klite codec pack have audio and video not synchronized.
This is not the case for all flv files, but it can happen, while it is working with FLV player.
With VLC so far, i didn't had problems either.
International Master
International Master

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Join date : 2009-04-21

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