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Chess is not the only game.

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Chess is not the only game. Empty Chess is not the only game.

Post by HangingKing January 9th 2011, 4:01 pm

If you are tired to always play the same game, though still need some entertainment to your brain, i discovered this small gameserver with games like hex, gomoku, twixt, lines of action and even some letter games. There is also the new Dvonn game, but after 3 readings i'm still brainfucking trying to assimilate all the rules...

It is turn-based so expect only a few moves per day and each game last several days, anyway i joined recently and the level is strong enough, so it's pleasant.

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Chess is not the only game. Empty Re: Chess is not the only game.

Post by Blue Devil Knight January 10th 2011, 10:19 pm

OMG littlegolem is still around, that is great to see....

I used to love the game hex, but it was always hard to find opponents.
Blue Devil Knight
Blue Devil Knight

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Chess is not the only game. Empty Re: Chess is not the only game.

Post by PawnCustodian January 16th 2011, 2:55 pm

I've played go a couple of times, but I never heard of any of the others! I'll have to check it out in month 14, I'm a little busy right now.... Smile

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