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Introducing MasterMambo

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Introducing MasterMambo Empty Introducing MasterMambo

Post by MasterMambo October 19th 2010, 3:33 pm

Hi All,
I'm new to the forum and the course. I plan on reading the entire 1st month including the solutions to understand the work/process. In month 2 I'll attempt to tackle the solutions on my own. I look forward to interacting and learning from all of you.

Where's the best place to play online? I would like to chart my progress:)

Learning the Rules
Learning the Rules

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Join date : 2010-10-19

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Introducing MasterMambo Empty Re: Introducing MasterMambo

Post by chesstiger October 19th 2010, 6:21 pm

Best you make the exercises before you read the solutions. The number one purpuse of those exercises is that you are busy with chess, generate a decent thoughtproces, and not just a read about chess.

Best places to play online is FICS, chesscube (free), ICC, playchess (pay servers). If you like more online corespondence games then and gameknot are good places to visit.

Oh btw, welcome to the forum
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Introducing MasterMambo Empty Re: Introducing MasterMambo

Post by BorgQueen October 19th 2010, 6:41 pm

Welcome MM :-)

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Introducing MasterMambo Empty Re: Introducing MasterMambo

Post by Blue Devil Knight October 23rd 2010, 1:22 am

Welcome to the forum! FICS is good and free. ICC is really good, but also costs a bit of cash.
Blue Devil Knight
Blue Devil Knight

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