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Modern Scandinavian Qd6

Blue Devil Knight
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Modern Scandinavian Qd6 - Page 2 Empty Re: Modern Scandinavian Qd6

Post by Chemwong June 22nd 2011, 10:39 pm

I am hungry for the scandinavian but I am only on month 3


3. Nc3 Qd6 4. d4 Nf6 5. Nf3

Which will be the next move in the given repertoire?
5. ...a6 or ...c6 ?

I am currently using ...c6

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Join date : 2011-06-11

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Modern Scandinavian Qd6 - Page 2 Empty Re: Modern Scandinavian Qd6

Post by PawnCustodian June 23rd 2011, 8:37 am

Well, you are in luck, ...c6.

The coverage in the repertoire and proposed lines are pretty good.

I've supplemented the ICS repertoire with Michael Melts' book on the 3...Qd6 Scandinavian which seems to be the definitive reference, offering many variations you might encounter that are not included in the ICS repertoire. It's a serious book, I'd only recommend it to anyone that intends to adopt the variation long term, and study carefully (there's just enough verbal explaniation to guide the reader - but tons of variations).

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Modern Scandinavian Qd6 - Page 2 Empty Re: Modern Scandinavian Qd6

Post by Chemwong July 12th 2011, 4:33 am

Blue Devil Knight wrote:While when I played this once before (just superficially for a couple of weeks) I found it very drawish, I am going to give it another shot now that ICS has material on it. I've been playing the Caro for about six months now, and I have nothing against the Caro, but I'd like to work with the ICS systems if possible. It could be I end up not liking it for the same reasons, but maybe not!

You will have chance to play Caro (French also, of course) if your opponent throws 2. d4 to give you a Blackmar-Diemar Gambit! Very Happy

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