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Time to be controversial?

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Time to be controversial? Empty Time to be controversial?

Post by hoopy June 11th 2009, 12:42 pm

I'm going to say something good about the opening stuff.

Elsewhere on the forum I have criticised what I saw as weak the 100's of games supposedly demonstrating the 5 middle game pawn structures. I confess that I learned nothing from them.
Likewise I have felt that the openings are a little simplistic with many missing variations.

Strangely I find that reading the "to do's" especially in the Catalan stuff has been a great teaching aid in this aspect of the course. They give a good insight as to the plans behind each of the different structures.

Summary: The opening stuff teaches me more about the middle games than the openings! confused
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Time to be controversial? Empty Re: Time to be controversial?

Post by Blue Devil Knight June 11th 2009, 3:08 pm

I agree there is some awesome stuff in there. As I said in the d4 forum, their stuff on the King's Indian is simply beautiful, a lesson for other opening authors.
Blue Devil Knight
Blue Devil Knight

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Time to be controversial? Empty Re: Time to be controversial?

Post by Chess? June 11th 2009, 11:40 pm

hoopy wrote:I'm going to say something good about the opening stuff.

Elsewhere on the forum I have criticised what I saw as weak the 100's of games supposedly demonstrating the 5 middle game pawn structures. I confess that I learned nothing from them.
Likewise I have felt that the openings are a little simplistic with many missing variations.

Strangely I find that reading the "to do's" especially in the Catalan stuff has been a great teaching aid in this aspect of the course. They give a good insight as to the plans behind each of the different structures.

Summary: The opening stuff teaches me more about the middle games than the openings! confused

The bottom line is, you know more now than when you started. What month are you working on? Wink
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Time to be controversial? Empty Re: Time to be controversial?

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