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Practice Positions?

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Practice Positions? Empty Practice Positions?

Post by RadDogFriday January 2nd 2021, 8:19 pm

I'm curious what people use for practice material outside the course.

I've got a small bookshelf of about a dozen informants and I started pulling a random game out of one and do the Threats?-Consequences?-Todo List stuff on the game and see where it takes me from one side, throughout the game.

I wonder if the GM teachers here recommend this idea or have another recommendation on how to "practice" this sort of thing.

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Practice Positions? Empty Re: Practice Positions?

Post by PawnCustodian January 3rd 2021, 5:16 pm

Tough call.

I kind like the comment by Beth Harmon (Queen's Gambit movie on NETFLIX) when presented a composed problem to solve; "I won't see it over the board..." or something to that effect.

I know, it's fiction. Nevertheless, we waste a lot of time losing focus. It might be better to get a collection of games from some database that reflect your opening system and just go with that for positions to study. If you subscribed to the opening course they have a description of how to put together a game collection for that kind of study.

BTW, this site applies ranking by number of posts, so add a grain of salt to any comments; mine included (especially).

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Practice Positions? Empty Re: Practice Positions?

Post by Valmont January 3rd 2021, 5:39 pm

Actually, I'm kinda done after studying the ICS material for a few hours.
Every day I want to make sure I have energy left to also practice the vision exercises. The rest is a matter of playing chess and trying to remember to look for themes I have learned.
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Practice Positions? Empty Re: Practice Positions?

Post by RadDogFriday January 4th 2021, 4:34 pm

PawnCustodian wrote:
... It might be better to get a collection of games from some database that reflect your opening system and just go with that for positions to study. If you subscribed to the opening course they have a description of how to put together a game collection for that kind of study.

BTW, this site applies ranking by number of posts, so add a grain of salt to any comments; mine included (especially).

I did get the Opening Preparation course and latched onto the Semi-Slav and Kalashnikov. I'm on Step 4 of the Semi-Slav*.pdf on the Recommendation of Study and Practice. I'll assemble a good amount of games in my openings of choice using chessbase and Week In Chess files, but I did not see anything in the Opening preparation course for that. Looks like I am doing that already.


Valmont wrote:Every day I want to make sure I have energy left to also practice the vision exercises.

That is a great idea. I do run out of gas some days after working all day.

I've been aware that during my rapid games, once engaged into the fight I tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater and revert to my (bad) old habits. I am hoping if I do some focused training on positions and articulate the Threats?-Consequences?-ToDo List, I will create a good habit that will just happen. Right now I have to be conscious of it and I let it slide in the heat of battle.

Thanks, all.
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