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Jumping into the fire

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Jumping into the fire Empty Jumping into the fire

Post by c0unterpl4y August 5th 2016, 8:56 pm

Hi everyone,
Played chess on and off my whole life but never really studied it. Tried to read a few books but always got bored. Signed up for the the grandmaster package, the openings and 2 other courses. Treating this like a university class. After each month I will read one book they suggest. I have 2-4 hours a day to study so got through the first month pretty quick but it is taking a while to get through the first book (Logical Chess Move by Move).

Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.

Learning the Rules
Learning the Rules

Posts : 2
Join date : 2016-07-31

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Jumping into the fire Empty Re: Jumping into the fire

Post by chessmo September 17th 2016, 1:13 pm

Welcome! I'm just starting out with the course also--currently need to wrap up month 1's test.

Logical Chess is fantastic--read it years ago. How is month 2 going?

Learning the Rules
Learning the Rules

Posts : 6
Join date : 2016-03-28

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