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Rejoining the ICS curse

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Rejoining the ICS curse  Empty Rejoining the ICS curse

Post by chesstiger November 17th 2015, 8:38 am

Some years ago I started the ICS course. Didn't finish it, guess I got to month three. Then real life kicked in and I had to abandon the course since I simply didn't have the time to be busy with it.

Now a few years later I remembered that I had this course. So I emailed them to get my login again. They promptly replied with new login and password. So I am now ready and set to give this course a new try which means I will start from month one again.

All cheers and support greatly appreciated! Very Happy
National Master
National Master

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Join date : 2009-04-17
Age : 51
Location : Aarschot, Belgium

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Rejoining the ICS curse  Empty Re: Rejoining the ICS curse

Post by BorgQueen November 18th 2015, 6:40 pm

Go for it Tiger! You WILL benefit if you give it the time it demands!

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Join date : 2010-07-06
Location : Adelaide

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