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GM Course - $195

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GM Course - $195  Empty GM Course - $195

Post by Leavenfish October 13th 2014, 9:40 pm

Limited time only ( of course ) Perhaps it's time for me to pick back up at month 4. 10 more months...$29.50 each. Not bad.

Normal is $367...over 13 months, that is @28.23/Mo.

I realize it's probably a waste - you only get out of something what you put into it and I'm a bit lazy. But I would spend $19.50 in perfectly average chess books each month so....

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GM Course - $195  Empty Re: GM Course - $195

Post by Mystique October 14th 2014, 1:01 pm

I got the same offer, but I have allready subscribed month's 1 till 5. Then I could have the remaining 8 month's for 195 USD (24,38/Mo). I have send them an email how this is working then, and they replied that only some of their clients got the offer and that in the end I have 3 month's for free but when I read your post you got 5 month's for free?
a Bit strange in my humble opinion!!

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GM Course - $195  Empty Re: GM Course - $195

Post by Leavenfish October 14th 2014, 5:24 pm

Where do I mention I get '5 months' for free? Never did.
I said I had subscribed to 3 months and stopped. So if I subscribe for the rest, it is 10 more months. I suspect it's a blanket offer to anyone who hasn't finished half the course to finish the rest at a reduced rate. After all, they also offer the first 6 months for $193.50.

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GM Course - $195  Empty Re: GM Course - $195

Post by Mystique October 14th 2014, 7:17 pm

You did not mention it Leavenfish, but I can count . They offer : "the full [ grandmaster package] course for just the price of 5 month's". So you have 3 month's already + 5 month's paying = 8 month's. Total: 13 month's -8 month = 5 month's for free

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GM Course - $195  Empty Re: GM Course - $195

Post by Leavenfish October 15th 2014, 12:24 am

I am about finished with the other 12 month package so perhaps they figured that in. They have certainly made enough money off of me!

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GM Course - $195  Empty Re: GM Course - $195

Post by Mystique October 15th 2014, 1:14 am

Yes, I also have the full twelve month's of the [chess essentials], but I am stuck in month2.
So I am considering if I should take the offer, because it's a waste when it will also land on the bookshelf.
But need to deside quickly, because the offer stands limited time Very Happy

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