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Admins Newsroom

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Admins Newsroom Empty Admins Newsroom

Post by BorgQueen May 12th 2014, 6:08 am

Hi all,

Please track this topic if you want to keep up to date with what I am doing in regard to site management.  I will try to post in here from time to time in order to keep you updated on site administration progress.

The latest and current issue I am trying to fix is the one where users, such as myself, were "logged out" of the system and then subsequently failed to receive e-mail notifications of new posts.  I'll call it "The 'Forget Users' Issue".

Has anyone else had this issue, or is it just me?  I have to ask as the support I am getting is saying... basically... "HUH?"

I also need to confirm that the topics that are being posted in are in fact the ones being tracked by the user(s) experiencing this issue!!  It may just be that nobody is posting in the topics that are being tracked ... In other words it could just be me not realising that just because I haven't been e-mailed it only means that topics I am tracking haven't been posted in, but the site itself is still active!  This may be a "non-issue"!

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Join date : 2010-07-06
Location : Adelaide

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Admins Newsroom Empty Re: Admins Newsroom

Post by BorgQueen May 12th 2014, 6:11 am

Oh, did anyone notice the new icon for the site?

Good / Bad / Who cares? What's your view?

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Location : Adelaide

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Admins Newsroom Empty Re: Admins Newsroom

Post by Blue Devil Knight May 12th 2014, 10:05 am

I am not seeing a new icon, but a default earth icon. Re: the original post, I don't think I ever tried to track a subject, so don't actually know....

Blue Devil Knight
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Admins Newsroom Empty Re: Admins Newsroom

Post by DonM May 12th 2014, 9:54 pm

If you are referring to the icon at the left top of the page, preceding the text "International Chess School Forum", I see a set of chess pieces. Nice image. As to notices of replies to watched topics, even though I usually log off when I leave the site, I still get messages. I believe a "watched topic" is one that a member has posted a message in.
Scholastic Player
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Admins Newsroom Empty Re: Admins Newsroom

Post by BorgQueen May 12th 2014, 10:32 pm

Ok so the icon thing is a bit dodgey. I see a KNIGHT. Not an earth or a set of chess pieces... very consistent!! lol

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Admins Newsroom Empty Re: Admins Newsroom

Post by Victorian Gent June 9th 2014, 4:01 am

Yeah, I get logged out periodically so don't get notifications
Thanks for taking this job on

Victorian Gent
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Admins Newsroom Empty Re: Admins Newsroom

Post by BorgQueen June 9th 2014, 9:44 pm

I can't seem to do anything about the issue. There's no setting to stop your cookie from expiring and there's clearly no option like "stop notifications of tracked topics once your cookie expires and you are silently logged out".

There may be nothing that be done to solve this issue...

Posts : 690
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Location : Adelaide

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