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For Monthly Payers in ICS: What keeps you to stay?

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For Monthly Payers in ICS: What keeps you to stay? Empty For Monthly Payers in ICS: What keeps you to stay?

Post by ernestosim01 May 29th 2013, 9:15 am

To be honest, after getting the first month of the lesson last 2 months ago, I planned to discontinue my enrollment with ICS or at least suspend it for another year, but something happened that kept my loyalty to this expensive school. Something ICS themselves might not even know.

I found some better (cheaper) courses in the internet after I subscribed to ICS. So I didn't put my payment for my second month anymore and was ready to subscribe to other resource. But then when I checked my ICS account it was updated in due time. A week had passed, no payment, no email reminder from ICS, but my lesson for the second month was still there.

I was impressed. ICS isn't that greedy! They will update your lesson with or without payment yet as long as you didn't cancel. Or maybe it's just part of their system flaw: they might not have the correct tools to be properly updated by their third party payment group.

Anyway, I put up my payment already for the second month a few days ago after the payment group (not ICS) reminded me to update my card number. Yeah, they thought there was a problem with the number.

Cut the story short, with an excellent monthly lesson and ungreedy school, I'll stay with ICS for at least their GM Package. I need some supplementary resource though to cover the holes in my knowledge.

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For Monthly Payers in ICS: What keeps you to stay? Empty Re: For Monthly Payers in ICS: What keeps you to stay?

Post by PawnCustodian May 29th 2013, 12:28 pm

I haven't had any complaints.

To answer your question, I NEED the monthly deadlines. My only goal when I started was to complete each of the lessons on schedule, and for the most part I did.

I can't count all of the books and videos that I have purchased over the years that I've browsed and set aside - nothing accomplished.

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For Monthly Payers in ICS: What keeps you to stay? Empty Re: For Monthly Payers in ICS: What keeps you to stay?

Post by BorgQueen May 30th 2013, 9:03 am

Same here, the goal of keeping up with the content each month is what drove me to study it properly. I needed it too!

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