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Hello, i'm new here

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Hello, i'm new here Empty Hello, i'm new here

Post by EDChS August 25th 2012, 10:25 pm

Hello everybody, i'm glad to introduce myself here in this forum, I bought the core course today and i'm very excited with this, I really want to improve my chess level.

I'm not ranked in the FIDE list Sad, but i had played here in my country a couple years ago, but i never took this as seriously as it must be taken, so now I decided to play well, and become a strong player.

I would like if someone please explain me how to study the lessons, i see those have no "daily organization", so, I have no idea what to study today, tomorrow, and everyday, because i want to last the exact month, don't want to finish to soon or later, i think that's the best way to do this... please someone explain me the basics of the course, thanks.

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Hello, i'm new here Empty Re: Hello, i'm new here

Post by PawnCustodian August 26th 2012, 8:15 am

Welcome aboard!

You're right to set a consistant pace early, there's a lot of stuff to cover and if you fall behind it's very difficult to recover.

The monthly index where you download the material is in the suggested order of study, so you can use that to breakout a weekly then daily schedule.

I did the openings as well during the first year, my approach was to set aside two of my study days each week to the openings which seemed to be sufficient to get through the monthly opening material as well. However, I was doing some study almost every day of the week.

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Post by BorgQueen August 27th 2012, 11:57 pm

It's NOT difficult to recover if you fall behind. Not at all.

You get one month every month, but you don't HAVE to finish one month by the time the next comes around. Just remember where you are up to and study at your own pace.

And if you finish a month's content early, GOOD!! Re-read some or all of it until you get the next month... it will solidify your study!

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Hello, i'm new here Empty Re: Hello, i'm new here

Post by Victorian Gent November 14th 2012, 9:02 am

Hi EDChS, how is it going?

Victorian Gent
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