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What is with the PMs on the site?

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by BorgQueen November 23rd 2011, 9:10 pm

So what is the deal?

I have a new message. It's been there for ages. I click on it and the board tells me that PMs have been disabled?

First: WHY would the PMs be disabled? What is the problem with PMs here? Shouldn't we be told about the fact that PMs were going off and why?
Second: Wouldn't it be better to give users adequate warning that PMs were going to be disabled and actually ask the members if they want it or not? I mean let's face it, who really runs this board... management or members? Yeah.
Last: It seems like an eternal annoyance to me that every time I come here I see "I have 1 new message" and yet I can't read it.

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by ChessAdmin November 29th 2011, 6:21 pm

It probably is informing you that PMs have been disabled. Very Happy
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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by BorgQueen November 30th 2011, 6:58 pm

Hahah, yes that was the first thought I had too, but that would be pretty stupid wouldn't it!

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by Blue Devil Knight December 11th 2011, 11:47 pm

Too many people PMing to get course for free. Sorry I did not warn you first. Though I did add the following in the intro message:
"Unfortunately, I had to disable the private message feature on this site because too many people were PMing people trying to get the material for free."
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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by BorgQueen December 12th 2011, 2:58 am

Ah, so that is the reason. Can I at least read my last PM? Or perhaps at least delete it?

Just a bit annoying having it say that I have one new message that I cannot read, every time I log in!

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by HangingKing December 15th 2011, 6:50 pm

Yep everywhere some people abuse pm system, also you know PM messages are not so private, on phpBB admin can read them, so it get disabled on many forums, not only here.

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by supermoy July 6th 2012, 4:48 pm

Hi hey, BorgQueen, until today i found it, but maybe it's still useful, i was telling this TRIADCHESS new member to stop spamming and insulting, but you saw what happened, so in the bottom right corner of the screen I found the report abuse option in case you wish to use it, cause I guess that you were bothered by this guy as well as me, thank you, and hope for the admins to notice this and help us to restore a peaceful forum without advertisements and spam.

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by BorgQueen July 8th 2012, 9:15 pm

Thanks Supermoy :-) Will look out for it today ;-)

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by BorgQueen July 8th 2012, 9:21 pm

Done ;-)

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

Post by BorgQueen November 5th 2012, 12:51 am

Testing something... post started at 2:45pm...

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What is with the PMs on the site? Empty Re: What is with the PMs on the site?

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