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These masters do really worship exhaustion...

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These masters do really worship exhaustion... Empty These masters do really worship exhaustion...

Post by HangingKing November 5th 2011, 10:56 pm

Well, what to do when you are paired with a 2200 resilient player ?

I really tried hard to lock everything, the beginning of the game is full of traps and i did a pretty accurate defense i think, but then "oh my god!", he kept checking my king over and over or over again, this was endless and my clock was just melding, and when finally i see the light out of the woods (i was quite proud of being able to relocate my king to the other side of the board out of reach from the nasty column controling rook), i miss the win by 1 and only 1 wrong move out of 80.

Do you believe it affraid 69. Kd5 instead of this silly Ke5 is a win, but short on time (30s for me, 6 min for him) is missed it and did not even found the courage to think for a draw, exhausted.
This should be forbidden to play the clock like this when you are 500 ELO above your opponent ! Neutral

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These masters do really worship exhaustion... Empty Re: These masters do really worship exhaustion...

Post by PawnCustodian November 6th 2011, 9:53 am

Nice game! I hate to see a loss after you outplayed your oponent like that.

What did you see that made you move 10....Kh8? At first I assumed you wanted to play Be6 and didn't want to exchange the light bishops, but when you subsequently played Bd7 it seemed that Kh8 lost purpose.

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These masters do really worship exhaustion... Empty Re: These masters do really worship exhaustion...

Post by HangingKing November 6th 2011, 11:37 am

I foresee the exchange of knights at move 14. and didn't want to loose tempo at that moment if he would retake with his light bishop (i would be in check), so i prefered losing the tempo at move 10 when game is quiet.
But now that you mention it, Be6 makes definitely more sense than Bd7.

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