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Personal Game Posting Section, anyone like that idea?

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Personal Game Posting Section, anyone like that idea? Empty Personal Game Posting Section, anyone like that idea?

Post by Bilbo April 21st 2009, 10:26 pm

One thing I really think would help me as a relative beginner player (one year serious experience 100 ECF) would be a section where we can post our own games up and get the ideas of other hopefully stronger players.

I played in my local club yesterday, an internal league game and had the advantage throughout the entire game, went two pawns up and yet my opponent escaped with a draw. What's annoying is that I'm not even sure where I went wrong, I have Rybka analysing as I speak.

I'm sure Rybka will point out the specific move error that cost me the game but what I'd really like is an evaluation of my play, mostly whether my strategical ideas were correct and that my plans were logical.

If anyone is interested in having a look I'd like to post it up over the next couple days along with my own analysis so you can see what I was thinking, and then evaluate my play.

It would be great if others did the same then we could maybe see where we are thinking properly and where we are making mistakes.

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Personal Game Posting Section, anyone like that idea? Empty Re: Personal Game Posting Section, anyone like that idea?

Post by Blue Devil Knight April 21st 2009, 10:53 pm

It's worth a shot. If someone posts something, I'll split it off into a section.
Blue Devil Knight
Blue Devil Knight

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Join date : 2009-04-12

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