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sacrifice, sacrifice

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sacrifice, sacrifice Empty sacrifice, sacrifice

Post by HangingKing October 24th 2010, 9:09 am

Not yet the perfect game (i lost it), but apart for the *n0 f34r* factor here, i'm getting more grip in attacking games.

In fact for a long time, while reaching 1700 my play was too defensive and i lost that ability i had as a novice for wild games, but i try to get that back. Of course this is a lot of trouble and get crushed a lot, but a game like this prooves that i am on the right track, i hope.

Don't hesitate to post wild games of yours, i'm interested in new ideas and particularly convice myself that throwing pieces at your opponent's defense is not automatically doomed to death, when conducted well...

I'm always surprised that one is able to get back the sacrificed material out of only a few pieces thanks to their activity.
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Join date : 2009-04-21

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sacrifice, sacrifice Empty Re: sacrifice, sacrifice

Post by BorgQueen October 24th 2010, 10:35 am

Good work imo, excellent courage in the double sac to get an attack going, well done!

Pity about the mistake. It happens to me a lot too. I should post some of my embarrassments here.

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