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hello Empty hello

Post by wong June 25th 2010, 5:02 am

Hi Everybody...

I'm wong from Malaysia...and new to this forum.

I just joined ICS early this month and hope to discuss the ICS stuff and anything about chess with you guys... Smile

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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by Blue Devil Knight June 25th 2010, 9:13 pm

Hey welcome and good luck!!!
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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by wong June 26th 2010, 6:20 am

Thanks and hope you are doing well with others..

I going to post something soon.....

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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by chesstiger June 27th 2010, 5:41 pm

Welcome and enjoy.
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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by Ramskoky July 4th 2010, 1:10 pm

Hi Wong youre from Malaysia? What is your rating anyway and how is the material so far treating you? Im from Malaysia too? Very Happy


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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by wong July 5th 2010, 12:56 am

Hi Ramskoky..yes i'm from malaysia. As for my rating, I seldom play chess, many years I don't play and for past 3 years, on average i played 2 games in a when talk about rating, I can't describe it......

I only study and read chess but almost don't play at all.......

After studying the month 1 material from ICS i played in chesscube.....i even lost to lowly opponent like rating less than 1200 for first two games due to blunder and lost free piece......however, after 2 or 3 games warm-up, i started beating players rated 1400s and last four games were all won games against opponent above 1400........

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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by ramskoky July 5th 2010, 10:59 pm

Hi there again. Its good to know that a Malaysian is in ICS!! Surprised Its good that your play is flourishing under positive circumstances. And to be dead honest this is the first time I am hearing that a chess enthusiast(?) actually studies and reads on chess but not regularly handling the 16 pieces on the 64 squares. Well individual preferences. I have been surfing this blog on and off for the past like what? Few months? But not too sure if this course is really good cuz Ive seen some negative comments on it and knowing myself as someone who as quick as lightning snap off a deal if its promising, I am worried likely I might regret embracing this ICS. So do update this site from time to time on your progress.

A quick advice from me suggests that you should get a rating soon. If I am not mistaken every week there are opens in Malaysia especially in KL. Even our CM Fadli is organising his very own SMASEL for amateur players or for those who wishes glory beating under 1650s or have been frustrated joining opens where the top prizes are snapped off by our very current/ex/former/should be/regretted not being a national player or someone who is just plain bored on Sundays and rather not commit suicide like Korean actors so chess tourneys are a good way to keep their mind sane. Chess players. COmplicated , arent they(maybe im one of them)? Wink

OTB play is significantly different from online. I dont mean by a mere decimal point difference but a terribly huge amount!! Neutral This is where psychological toughness, grit and determination comes into play. An author(sorry i cant remember who) actually wrote a dadgum long essay on this and its not that I want to get there but I cant cuz my memory failed me!! But yeah no point studying too much if you dont present yourself with the opportunity to apply those concepts. Start playing more, and il give you a non existent figure where mathematicians will curse and swear from their graves. Youll improve 10000000000%. See? Im hearing pythagoras now. lol

Over and out.


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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by wong July 7th 2010, 10:19 am

Thanks for the info..

>to be dead honest this is the first time I am hearing that a chess enthusiast(?) >actually studies and reads on chess but not regularly handling the 16 pieces >on the 64 squares.

Actually, I almost never play....just study, read about chess and follow games...

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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by Blue Devil Knight July 7th 2010, 12:16 pm

If you don't want to get better at playing, that's fine. If you want to play better, then playing games is crucial otherwise you will just make tactical blunders and lose.
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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by wong July 8th 2010, 3:51 am

Like all chess enthusiasts, I want to be a strong player. Lack of opening preparation always inhibit me from playing and there is no local chess club for social games, only tournament. Perhaps I need to play online.

It's definately very difficult to improve without playing....

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hello Empty Re: hello

Post by ramskoky July 8th 2010, 4:42 am

Yea couldnt agree more about the playing part. Chess is a game you gotta play it. Develop a natural feel for positions. Putting theories into practice is so bloody damn essential to be one or maybe even more steps ahead than your cuurent skill level.

From my personal experiences, Ive studied and studied and studied and..(the list is endless) and all of a sudden when I felt that Ive had it, my confidence level grew enormously to the extent that my ego and heart felt like bursting out wanting to hand some random dude a phenomenal thrashing. BUT... instead I got a nice beating on my backside. Why? Not too hard to answer that. I LACK PRACTICE. You invest that vitamin M of yours to be a strong player right? So what are you waiting for? Start playing!!! Smile


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