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Of how much benefit is the course to novices?

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Of how much benefit is the course to novices? Empty Of how much benefit is the course to novices?

Post by Mitch Briggles June 12th 2010, 7:34 pm


I just purchased the course, but I have an elo of only about 1200, however, I really enjoy chess and have been working at it for about one hour a day for the last month (I started at about 900). The website implied that even beginners would be able to profit from the course. Would you say that this is true. I am more than willing to invest time into the course, would it be unrealistic to end the course with an elo of 1800-2000? Or is it going to blow over my head?!

I currently spend most of my time studying tactics and playing games against humans that are rated 1400-1600, I have a computer analyse my games and then note my errors. I feel that given my rapid improvement over the last month I ought to be able to catch on quickly.

Also, I suppose I am also introducing myself.

Mitch Briggles

Mitch Briggles
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Of how much benefit is the course to novices? Empty Re: Of how much benefit is the course to novices?

Post by Blue Devil Knight June 14th 2010, 9:36 pm

You will learn a tremendous amount, and understand it without a lot of problem. The problem is, the help you will get will not address the main reasons you are losing games, which will be tactics if you are ~1200.

You will understand the material, no problem is my hunch. Heisman has some great articles on this, how people rated U1400 read Silman, and feel that because they understand it, and it teaches them really cool new things, it must help their chess. Unfortunately knowing subtleties of weak color complexes is useless information, no matter how well learned, if you are losing games dropping knights and pawns. Until then, this material is not going to be too helpful.

EXCEPT perhaps the material on tactics.

So while the material in this course is great, don't spend too much time on it. For those of us in the lower ranks of chess, we need to play slow games, get a coach, and do 10 minutes of elementary tactics a day.

However, if you just like the conceptual elegance and beauty and to learn, without a lot of practical benefits, then the course is great for all levels
Blue Devil Knight
Blue Devil Knight

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