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Kingside attack

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Kingside attack Empty Kingside attack

Post by Tweety March 2nd 2010, 7:50 am

Here you have a position to find how white mate the black king. It took 34 minutes to find it so dont't hurry. Solution below. Good luck.
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Kingside attack Empty Re: Kingside attack

Post by Tweety March 2nd 2010, 8:19 am

Here it is the solution.

So many possibilities make it difficult. I spent much of my time trying to find a way for the queen to get h4 square but I didn't like it, then I tried to get the bishop on c1 into the game with f5 but I didn't like it either. With the solution the queen and the bishop get to the kingside easily.
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Kingside attack Empty Re: Kingside attack

Post by HangingKing March 8th 2010, 6:13 pm

Had a little time to look at your game.

I agrees that 7.g6 not good, maybe there is some potential (for black player) to get the light bishop out on a6 then push c4 anyway.
This also frees c5 square for dark bishop and check the castled king from there, so giving up e5 for d5 instead.
This way, it is likely you have to exchange dark bishops, and rook on b8 get some activity.

Regarding the last blow, what did you calculated for Nb6 instead of Nb4 ?
Knight in Nb6 can later relocate to Nd7 and sustain the position better.

Anyway, i play only 15 0 games, thus 34 min of reflexion seems surrealist to me.
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Kingside attack Empty Re: Kingside attack

Post by Tweety March 9th 2010, 11:13 am

White has two options to fight against Ba6 threatening c4. One may be c4 when Ba6 and the other one may be c3 follow by d4 when black plays c4, blocking the f1-a6 diagonal. Moreover, if black delays castle its king will be in great danger as white can open files with e5 or f5.

In the last blow, no makes any difference if the knight goes to b4 or b6 but your right on b6 will be closer to the key squares f6 and e5. An improvement for black will be Kh8 instead of Kg7, avoiding the double check with the knight and queen and also getting far from the queen check on h6, but white is still on top with Qh4 and after h5, Bd2 with the idea of Bc3, dark squares domination.

I thought for 34 minutes because I wasn't concentrated enough as I made the previous moves in just 2 minutes so my brain was cold and it needed getting hot, I am like a diesel engine Very Happy and my intuition told me there must be a tactical blow if this position would be in a magazine saying white to move and win it would be simpler to find the solution.
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