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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before? Empty Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

Post by Hoskins August 30th 2020, 7:29 pm

A long topic title to generally ask the similarly long question:

If you had an opening rep before starting on the ICS one, which of the ICS parts made you switch because they were better? Perhaps you didn;t switch to the entire ICS rep, but just cherry-picked some great stuff against the Philidor or the London etc.

Basically, I am looking for a highlights of the openings course that might be worth me looking at.
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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before? Empty Re: Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

Post by Phythalion October 24th 2020, 12:32 am

Over time I have purchased all the offerings of ICS as they occasionally are on sale. I am currently using the ICS opening suggestions for Daily Games on I seem to have ok results with the Scandinavian defense but at my level players use all kinds of different openings otherwise but seem to use 1 e4 the most. Developing a repertoire is an evolving process. The ICS suggested openings change in the latter few lessons.
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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before? Empty Re: Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

Post by Valmont April 3rd 2021, 7:26 pm

LOL here's some necroposting. But I switched from Sicilian hyperaccel. Dragon to Scandinavian. Reason: far less study. I want t focus on strategy lessons first.
Disadantage: I've chosen for the ...Qd6 variation and then fairly soon ...b4. But I feel it's kinda drawish.
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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before? Empty Re: Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

Post by BorgQueen April 9th 2021, 12:46 am

None. I didn't have a repertoire before and I still suck at openings.

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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before? Empty Re: Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

Post by Valmont April 9th 2021, 10:01 am

BorgQueen wrote: I still suck at openings.
Oh yeah, me too. I I just know the little bit. The most important thing I've learned about openings is that it's a struggle. If you're struggling for center and space, then it's not you, it's normal.
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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before? Empty Re: Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

Post by BorgQueen April 11th 2021, 6:05 pm

I know enough to get by, but sometimes I still end up in almost lost positions because I screw up in the opening. Interestingly though, many opponents do the same. Especially if they fall into opening traps.

I am slowly building a repertoire now, but I'm not using the ones from ICS.


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Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before? Empty Re: Which ICS openings made you switch to them from the rep you were playing before?

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