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350+ Points in 90 days! [blog]

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350+ Points in 90 days! [blog] Empty 350+ Points in 90 days! [blog]

Post by SirNemo September 3rd 2013, 10:57 pm

Hey guys, just updated my blog with my current results. Leave a comment with your thoughts on some of the topics i've discussed, particularly the stuff pertaining to health :]

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350+ Points in 90 days! [blog] Empty Re: 350+ Points in 90 days! [blog]

Post by Victorian Gent September 17th 2013, 1:13 pm

Man, the health thing is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO!!!! 30 min walking a day will work wonders, but it will take time...perhaps 6 months...but I guarantee that you will see benefit. My wife is a testament to this. She has asthma and always struggled to walk with me....but she did the 30 min walk thing for 6 days per week and she is outstepping me now. Plus give up the cigarettes, they are killing you. Trust me, until I retired I was in clinical research and know all the studies. It is 100% proven (don't believe the spin from the tobacco companies). So stop smoking, stick the money you save into an account, and use it to go to an international chess tourney........

Victorian Gent
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350+ Points in 90 days! [blog] Empty Re: 350+ Points in 90 days! [blog]

Post by BorgQueen November 18th 2013, 5:30 pm

Good advice VG.

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350+ Points in 90 days! [blog] Empty Re: 350+ Points in 90 days! [blog]

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