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Are ratings given by FIDE provisional?

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Are ratings given by FIDE provisional? Empty Are ratings given by FIDE provisional?

Post by kingsmasher1 April 30th 2012, 1:28 pm

I got my FIDE rating today, there my rating is mentioned and at the same time it is also mentioned as "Expected first rating".
Before they updated my actual rating today to the rating column, earlier only "Expected first rating" was given.

The FIDE officials told me that May 1st my rating will be reflected in ratings column too, it did. But the statement "Expected first rating" is still there.

What does it mean? Is it a provisional rating?

P.S: I read a post where this person says he has a rating, (post is quite old) but now there is none. Is it a temporary rating? Looks like this player sometimes back had a rating, but now is unrated. How come?

Last edited by kingsmasher1 on May 1st 2012, 2:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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Are ratings given by FIDE provisional? Empty Re: Are ratings given by FIDE provisional?

Post by kingsmasher1 May 1st 2012, 2:11 am

Yes, i can see now that "Expected first rating" is gone and only my actual rating is reflecting there, may be they were still updating the database, and i needed to be more patient.

But still my above query remains there, how come this person given in above link is now unrated?

Are these ratings provisional? I mean, if we don't play matches at regular intervals, will it be erased? Until at least we complete 30 rated games?

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