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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by kingsmasher1 October 26th 2010, 12:56 pm

Hi All,
Hope all of you'll have some experience in online play, how much gap should be put between games in order to have the best performance? What is the case for you'll?

I have an online rating of 1400+, and after a tensed blitz game i feel like putting some gap. What is the case for you'll?


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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by Blue Devil Knight October 26th 2010, 4:55 pm

You mean how long to wait before another game? Depends on the duration. No gap until I'm done. Smile
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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by BorgQueen October 26th 2010, 6:37 pm

2 seconds :p

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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by kingsmasher1 October 27th 2010, 12:57 am

Yes, exactly. The thing is after i win a stressed quick blitz game i feel like waiting for sometime before the next one. Does it happen to you'll too? Or may be i feel tired because i am too tensed during the game. That is the root cause? Or is it that i play more seriously than i should do?

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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by BorgQueen October 27th 2010, 6:34 am

I never take blitz that seriously... especially online. I'll play absolutely anything in blitz, such as 1.a4 or maybe 1.g4, 2.Nf3 and 3. Rg1 ^.^

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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by HangingKing October 27th 2010, 8:01 am

Strange question, just play when you feel it.

Some day i will play only 2 or 3 games and other 5h in a row with no gap, depends.
It's not about performance, it's about enjoying the play, clearly if you feel forced to play a game there are chances it won't work. If you need 2s or 30 min between each game, what's the matter, everybody is different, just play when you want a game and stop when bored.

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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by Blue Devil Knight October 27th 2010, 10:14 am

Yes, do whatever you want it's just blitz.
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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

Post by chesstiger October 27th 2010, 5:04 pm

blitz is too relax, one may not take it seriously. With that said i would say no gap or a gap doesn't matter, just have fun.
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What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance? Empty Re: What should be the approximate gap between online blitz games for best performance?

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