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Security warning on header ad

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Security warning on header ad Empty Security warning on header ad

Post by ChessAdmin August 28th 2020, 4:37 am

As a public service announcement as well as for site admin, my security software (WebRoot) identifies the current header ad link as a phishing site. Details:

Webroot has blocked the website you are trying to access for your protection:
Detected Malicious Site
This site might contain links to viruses or other malicious software programs that can capture personal information or corrupt files on your computer.

Honestly does this forum benefit at all from displaying ads? I can't imagine that the $1 total it would get from click-throughs in a year would matter...unless it's mandated by the hosting arrangement, which would be a bit fishy. Razz
Scholastic Player
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Security warning on header ad Empty Re: Security warning on header ad

Post by Morpheus_chessplayer January 3rd 2021, 11:14 am

Hi.....just visited your website/blog its very informative, thanks for sharing
Tried signing up for future notifications but got the message

The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled

Anyway Ill book mark the page.
Again nice work
Scholastic Player
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Security warning on header ad Empty Re: Security warning on header ad

Post by BorgQueen January 7th 2021, 8:03 pm

ChessAdmin wrote:...Honestly does this forum benefit at all from displaying ads? I can't imagine that the $1 total it would get from click-throughs in a year would matter...unless it's mandated by the hosting arrangement, which would be a bit fishy. Razz
Even as the administrator, I cannot turn off ads. This is controlled by "forumotion" I believe.

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Location : Adelaide

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Security warning on header ad Empty Re: Security warning on header ad

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