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Adding text to chessflash

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Adding text to chessflash Empty Adding text to chessflash

Post by 2kEloGoal January 7th 2010, 8:30 pm

How do I add text to the actual pgn so it would be easier to read? Everytime I try it, I get an invalid message.

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Adding text to chessflash Empty Re: Adding text to chessflash

Post by 2kEloGoal January 7th 2010, 10:02 pm

I figured it out. You just use {} symbols.

For example 1. e4 {Bobby's favorite opening}

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Adding text to chessflash Empty Re: Adding text to chessflash

Post by HangingKing January 8th 2010, 9:17 am

I have answered this in another topic, here is the quote.

You can do that with any chess DB software i think, but since PGN is text, it is very easy to edit manually.
Just open the file in you prefered editor (wordpad if you don't have one) and delete the PGN tags between [ ] that you don't want to appear.

Comments are put into { }
And variations into ( )
If you want to put comments into a variation, then it is (15.Ne3 Bg6 {comment ....}) inside the parenthesis, not the inverse.

I also add, that the placing of the variations is not always evaluated in the same way by chess software especially when you want to add a variation for white after a fixed black move.

Here is a trick !

See the pb in this topic :

I want to describe variations after 1... Kg8 before 2. Nf6+ move.
But if i put white variations for move 2. with any chess editing software, they will appear AFTER 2. Nf6+ comment, which is not what i want.

The only solution i found to avoid this, is to repeat the 1... Kg8 black move, as many time as there are white possible variations, so it appears as a black variation and is put before 2. Nf6+ white move.
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